Youth UpRising and Integrify

By Toni Buffa | Published October 30, 2023

Youth UpRising is a non-profit youth center that offers young people services and programs to increase physical and mental well-being, community connection, education attainment, and career achievement among their youth members. 

Youth UpRising has multiple programs; each has different forms, documents, and end users. The team needed an automated solution to house all the day-to-day needs of the organization. We had the chance to speak with Quiana Canada, Chief Operating Officer at Youth UpRising, about why they chose Integrify, the challenges they faced before automation, what they've built for their organization with automation, and the results so far.

Read the full case study.

Toni Buffa

Toni is a member of the Integrify marketing team and writes for the Integrify blog. Toni lives in Colorado and loves animals of all stripes.